PBW is a buffered alkaline detergent. Because of its unique formulation of buffers and mild alkalis, it is safe on skin as well as soft metals such as stainless steel, aluminum, and on plastics. PBW uses active oxygen to penetrate carbon or protein soils and is not affected by hard water.
Recommended dilution of 1-2 oz per gallon of hot water.
Iodophor is safe to use on all your brewing equipment: buckets, kegs, tanks, vats, bottles and more. Low-foaming formula is superior to other brands of Iodophor for brewing.
Recommended dilution of 1 tsp per 1.5 gallons of cool water and minimum of 2 minutes of contact time to be effective.
Star San is a high-foaming, acid-based, no-rinse sanitizer that is effective and easy to use. It is odorless, flavorless, biodegradable, and will not harm septic systems.
Recommended dilution of 1 oz per 5 gallons (300 ppm) and 1 minute minimum contact time.
If a lower foaming alternative is preferred, check out Saniclean.
SaniClean is the low-foam version of Star San. With a contact time of 2-3 minutes, it is not as fast as Star San, and you will need to use twice as much.
Recommended dilution of 2 oz per 5 gallons. However, if you are using a pump it is the right choice.
SaniClean is also known as a flavor and odor removal, making it a great solution for draft equipment as well as plastic fermenters.
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